Our Curriculum is based on the educational philosophy that we follow ( Integral Education) .Our curriculum remains open ended and flexible,always reflecting the dynamism of learning and evolving. It consists of

The development of the facilities of mind viz observation, concentration, imagination, memory and reasoning. Language development like reading skills,writing skills, listening and speaking skills and initial mathematics through projects and activities.
Vital Education including Development of five senses, Character building to develop higher qualities of higher vital such as confidence, courage,patience, perseverance, kindness, love and care, gratitude etc.
Development of Aesthetic senses.
Development of socialistic skills such as interacting with their peers,providing emotional security, helping them to become assertive, expressing the qualities of empathy,caring,sharing.
Developing empathy towards Mother Earth and Community - developing a sense of social responsibility towards the Social environment by giving respect to and helping each other and being compassionate towards others.
Physical education by developing physical abilities such as body balance and body coordination, building strength and stamina, body control and speed, developing physical skills such as Gross and fine motor skills, physical organisation, respect for materials and surroundings and taking care of one's own belongings, developing good physical habits such as eating healthy food, correct posture, methods of rest and relaxation, health and hygiene.
Psychic education of expressing gratitude, love and beauty, and understanding and responding to one's inner sense of ease and unease. The pedagogical process we propose to use at Sri Aurobindo New Creation School is the Free Progress method of learning based on the principles of education of Sri Aurobindo where the growth of the psychic or soul is the central aim.